Aurora Borlalis, Northern Wisconsin.


Bee on Red Dahlia flower.


Gulf Frittilary Butterfly on Liatris flower.


Morning dew on Asparagus Fern.


Gerbera Daisy flower in full bloom.


Foggy morning in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Linda Mulvey's interest in photography was piqued eight years ago, after taking a class at Learning Tree University.

While she enjoys travel and landscape photography, her greatest challenge is creating images of flowers, birds and insects in nearby parks, woodlands and often, her own back yard.

In her modest suburban garden, she has created a natural habitat to attract many species of birds, insects and animals. She delights in capturing the details of her "nature kingdom" on film.

Linda is currently involved in marketing her photo-greeting cards. Her future plans include acquiring the equipment and skills to enter the world of microscopic photography. She can be reached at her e-mail address.

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